Want to learn more and geek down in React? As part of Edument's 10th anniversary, we want to spread our knowledge within React! We will do this through a tour from Malmö to Gothenburg and on to Stockholm. As luggage we have two free lectures that we want to come and hold for you!
Our React experts David Waller and Marc Klefter have produced two lectures -React Architectural Patterns and Data Fetching with Suspense. More information below.
Data Fetching with Suspense
Marc Klefter (45 min)
React recently introduced "Concurrent Mode" as an experimental feature, which includes Suspense, a mechanism that lets components wait for any dependent resources - commonly data - to load before they are rendered. It allows for orchestrating complex loading sequences and visual transitions in a declarative manner, greatly improving both the developer and user experience.
We start off with an overview of Concurrent Mode, how to adopt it and its notion of interruptible rendering, before exploring what Suspense is (and is not) and how to use it for loading data in your applications:
Traditional data fetching strategies (such as fetching in useEffect) vs the "render-as-you-fetch" pattern.
Coordinating loading sequences with the <Suspense> and <SuspenseList> components.
Transitioning between visual states with the useTransition hook.
Using Suspense in conjunction with REST APIs and GraphQL.
Suspense is poised to become the essential method for loading components' asynchronous resources in the near future; this practically oriented talk will position you at the forefront of the latest developments in implementing better performant React applications.
React Architectural Patterns
David Waller (45 min)
Join us in walking through a broad array of React architectural patterns! We'll show problems and solutions for most concerns harrying the modern React developer. This includes topics like file organisation, error handling, providing dependencies, global state management, child component output, and more.
There won't be any religiously motivated 'thou shalt do it this way' commandments. Instead this will be a very pragmatic discussion with a focus on what the pain points actually are, and the patterns we can apply to mitigate them.
Monday February 24 - MALMÖ
11.30 - 13.00 | React Architectural Patterns | Essiq
Tuesday February 25 - MALMÖ
08.30 - 10.00 | React Architectural Patterns | Stratiteq
07.30 - 09.00 | Data Fetching with Suspense | One Agency
11.30 - 13.00 | React Architectural Patterns | One Agency
17.30 - 19.30 | Data Fetching with Suspense | MalmöJS//PROdata
Wednesday February 26 - GÖTEBORG
17.00 - 20.00 | React Architectural Patterns & Data Fetching with Suspense | FOSS Gbg Meetup
Friday February 28 - STOCKHOLM
07.45 - 09.00 | React Architectural Patterns | NOX Consulting