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Why TypeScript?


A few contrasting examples: in JavaScript it's fine to forget a property in an object literal, to call a function with the wrong number of arguments, or to write code that will never be reached in a program. TypeScript flags all of these things as errors, often directly in an IDE.

Frontend development in JavaScript has always been rife with pitfalls. An experienced team will know about these and take them into account — using linters, tests, best practices, style guides, etc. All these things help raise code quality, but they don't address the fundamental problem: that JavaScript as a language is poorly equipped for developing large applications.

TypeScript solves that problem. From day 1 with TypeScript, you're catching mistakes that JavaScript blissfully ignores. You can build bigger and more ambitiously, and gain better control over the architecture of the application. At the same time, you bring all your knowledge of JavaScript into your TypeScript development.

A few contrasting examples: in JavaScript it's fine to forget a property in an object literal, to call a function with the wrong number of arguments, or to write code that will never be reached in a program. TypeScript flags all of these things as errors, often directly in an IDE. We offer consulting in TypeScript.

By Carl Mäsak


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