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People, systems, companies
Edument Group
We develop business-driven and scalable software through projects, courses and innovation.
We help companies to develop, analyze, increase competence and invest our software knowledge and experience in innovations. How can we help you?
Edument Solutions
Dedicated software teams in Helsingborg, Malmö, Prague and San Fransico
We work closely with you as a customer, regardless of what you need help with and where you are. Starting from Helsingborg, Malmö, Prague and San Francisco, we help you reach your software goals.

We take the risk to get a you a clear price and time estimation
For over 13 years, we have succeeded in creating dynamic teams with both broad and deep competence. Through these teams, we have built a process that gives our customers a clear picture of what their software project entails, the cost and the time required. Something that both our customers' management and board of appreciate.
At each project start, we do a Due Diligence where we review the technology, the business model and the company's vision going forward and create a clear Proof of Concept. This gives you as a customer a clear picture of the project but also a clear picture of the price and time estimate where we bear the risk.
If you have a software project that is unclear and lacks a price and/or time estimate, book a meeting with Acke Salem, CEO and founder of Edument Group.
Due Diligence
Vid en Due Diligence granskar vi ett bolags teknik, affärsmodell och även i relation till företagets vision framåt. Genom bl.a. intervjuer, dokumentationer går vi igenom hur arkitekturen ser ut, vilka teknikval som har gjorts och varför, vilka kompetenser finns i bolaget? Detta och mycket mer går vi igenom för att skapa en grundlig förståelse och inblick i bolaget och dess tekniska lösning som vi sedan sammanställer och presenterar för dig. Boka ett möte med oss då berättar vi mer
About us
Founded in 2010 with a focus on software training
It all started in 2010 in a basement with the vision of helping software developers to further develop themselves. To create software training courses and mentoring for software developers. Since then, the need and our offer have both broadened and deepened and today we also help people and companies with developing software systems, Proof of Concept, Due Diligence as well as developing our own projects and helping startups with their development.