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Two Edumentors release PC game on GOG and Steam in their spare time


Almost 5 years ago, Edumentor Eric Lavesson became curious to see if he could build a game engine. A side project that came to involve e.g. friend and colleague, Mattias Andersen. On October 31, their video game Cathedral will be released on GOG and Steam.

During the days, both Eric and Mattias work at Edument as architects/developers in larger projects. Both have always loved gaming, and when Eric started talking about his project, Mattias got interested as well. As the game has been developed during their spare time, the pace has varied and the team has expanded over time. Apart from Eric and Mattias, the creative team now consists of Aron Kramer, musician and Justin Alexander, graphics designer.

"We have created a game that we would like to play ourselves. At Gamescom we were happily surprised about how our game caught the interest of so many different types of visitors, kids as well as adults" -Eric Lavesson

Trots att Cathedral släpps först den 31 oktober har flera redan förköpt och lagt spelet i önskelistan på Steam och GOG. Under Gamescom- mässan i Köln fick teamet även bemöta ett stort intresse med över 8000 besökare i sin monter.

Vid releasen 31 oktober kommer Cathedral vara tillgängligt för OSX, Linux och Windows. Läs mer om Cathedral.


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